[教學] 如何不重裝Windows XP 啟用AHCI 功能 - 痞客邦PIXNET 2011年10月24日 ... ... 沒有在作業系統中啟用,那是因為Windows XP 安裝時,需要SATA 驅動程式才能 辨識出你的SATA 硬碟.
[轉貼]獨家秘籍-免軟驅免重裝開啟AHCI功略(XP, VISTA) - ~~克 ... 2011年7月28日 ... 而如果需要在Windows XP/2K上安裝AHCI的驅動,那必須有一個軟驅,並且得在 安裝時按f6才能安裝。
enable amd sata ahci driver after windows xp install - YouTube the files needed are below 32 bit https://mega.co.nz/#!kENkwBSC!Ef3jjR8... 64 bit https://mega.co.nz/#!wFERlCAA!WVXaqFS... 7-zip to extract the files from mega download http://www.7-zip.org/...
drivers - How to enable AHCI in Windows XP without reinstalling - Super User In fact, Wikipedia: Older versions of operating systems require hardware-specific drivers in order to support AHCI. Windows XP does not provide support out of the box. In other words, the only way is to install third-party drivers. – Bob May 22 '12 at 10:
drivers - How to enable AHCI in Windows XP without ... 2012年5月22日 - In short, Windows XP does not have a AHCI/RAID driver, you must install a ... However, Windows XP does not come with a generic AHCI driver.
SATA工作模式咋選?揭秘AHCI和IDE區别_希捷 Desktop HDD 4TB 5900轉 64MB SATA3(ST4000DM000)_記憶體硬碟技巧-中關村在線 AHCI這個註定和SATA介面結下不解之緣的介面模式,它擔負著淘汰IDE模式的重任,從誕生開始就充滿爭議,它經歷了整整7年時間。它伴隨著SSD固態硬碟興旺走向主流,同時也和微軟WinXP、Win7作業系統密不可分。本文,我們。
How to Change SATA Hard Disk Mode from IDE to AHCI / RAID in ... After sometime you realized it and changed the SATA mode from IDE to AHCI or RAID in BIOS and BOOM!!! You made ...
How To Change Disk Controller Mode From IDE to AHCI Without Change From IDE to AHCI Without Reinstalling Windows XP, Switch Disk Mode From IDE to ... where other OS must use SATA controller in AHCI mode, and Windows XP as a first OS is ...
How do I change Windows XP to use AHCI disk mode rather than IDE mode - Microsoft Community Hi, Thank you for posting your question in Microsoft Community. From your issue description, I understand that you are unable to change Windows XP to use AHCI disk mode rather than IDE mode for Dual boot. Please let me know if this is not the issue that y
How To Change Disk Controller Mode From IDE to AHCI Without Reinstalling Windows XP Change From IDE to AHCI Without Reinstalling Windows XP, Switch Disk Mode From IDE to AHCI, Change IDE to AHCI After Installation of Windows XP, Switch From IDE to ...